Electric Reliability
Course 110
In Course 110, participants will receive an introduction to the regulatory regime governing electric reliability in the United States.
Energy Law Academy Certificate of Achievement: Three Electives from Course 106, 107, 108, 109, or 110 are a requirement to obtain the Energy Law Academy Certificate of Achievement.
Grid 101 (Technical / Operational Overview)
EPAct 2005 / FPA § 215 (Overview)
- Genesis / History Leading to Federal Reliability Role
- Statutory Provisions / Directives
- “Bulk-Power System” vs. “BES”
NERC (Overview)
- Genesis / History of NERC
- Structure – NERC & Regional Entities
- Respective Roles
- Relationship Between
- Registered Entities
- Who Must Be Registered
- Process to Challenge Registration
Reliability Standards
NERC Drafting of Standards
- NERC’s Role, Rules & Procedures / Processes
- Standards Drafting Process
FERC Review of Standard
- FERC’s Role
- Standards Approval / Remand Process
Compliance / Enforcement
- Performance Assessments & Events Analyses
- Compliance Monitoring Process (Audits, Inherent Risk Assessments and Controls, etc.)
- Enforcement & Penalty Process
- Practice Pointers
- FERC’s Role in Compliance & Enforcement
- Enforcement & Penalty Process
Special Topics
- Cyber and Physical Security
- Geomagnetic Disturbances (GMDs)
- Supply Chain Management
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