CLE and Events

Numerous CLE Events Throughout the Year

EBA provides multiple opportunities for attorneys, energy professionals, students, and academics to network and learn via a variety of channels, including face-to-face conferences, web-based programs, luncheons, and receptions. Our goal is to provide critical high-quality programming to EBA membership. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits are available for many of our offerings.

To view a list of upcoming CLE programs and events, please visit the Events Calendar.


Receiving CLE Certificates

EBA's CLE credit program is administered through the American Bar Association (ABA). Once a program concludes, attendees will receive an email from the ABA with a link to an online affidavit of attendance and a link to the CLE Certificate for that program. If you attended a program and haven't received a link to receive your certificate, please check your spam folder. If you need a new link, email

For online programs, we verify attendance using analytics tools. For in-person programs, you must sign the CLE attendance form which is typically located near the registration area.