The Annual Law And Economics Forum

The Ranchmen's Club 710 13 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The Energy Bar Association's Canadian Chapter is hosting the first ever Annual Law and Economics Forum. The theme for the Forum is: Can the U.S. and Canada move together to meet climate change objectives and what is the role of…

2023 Texas Chapter Annual Symposium

White & Case LLP 609 Main St., 29th Floor, Houston, TX, United States

Join EBA's Texas Chapter for their 2023 Annual Symposium in Houston, TX! This event features a luncheon fireside chat with Former FERC Commissioner Bernard McNamee, and expert-led panels featuring topics such as: Carbon Capture, Gas-Electric Coordination, Midstream/LNG, and FERC Enforcement.…

2023 Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting

Ameren Corporation 1901 Chouteau Avenue, MC 1310, St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Join EBA's Midwest Chapter for their 2023 Annual Meeting, hosted by Ameren Missouri. Topics for this event include FERC Order 2222 and Midwest State Developments, DER Implementation, and Gas-Electric Coordination.View full agenda and panelist information below! In-Person registration for this…

Mock DAS Surveillance Inquiry Webinar

Save the date for a Mock DAS Surveillance Inquiry presented by EBA's Compliance and Enforcement Steering Committee. Tune in to this live program where FERC and Energy Bar Association member experts will “role-play” the key features of a surveillance activity conducted…

EBA Energy Law Academy Course 202: An Introduction to PURPA

Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP 700 6th St NW, Washington, District of Columbia

This course is intended for energy lawyers and other professionals new to the electric industry. The course provides an introduction to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended (PURPA) and how it has been implemented by the…

Practices Steering Committee Half-Day Event

Join our Practices Steering Committee for their annual Half Day event. This webinar will cover: - The History and Purpose of FERC (History of utilities in terms of IOUs and open access, RTOs/ISOs - Basics of FERC Jurisdiction and Regulations…

Introduction to Energy Markets

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1301 K St NW Suite 500, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Part one of this training is a basic overview that includes a conceptual way to think about electric markets. The second part of the program will provide more detail about energy markets. The final part of the program will address…

Finance, Transactions & Investment Steering Committee Half-Day Event

Kirkland & Ellis LLP 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Save the date for the Finance, Transactions & Investment Steering Committee Half-Day event! Substantive panels will focus on opportunities and challenges in various energy transition markets, sourcing capital for energy transition projects, and regulatory trends affecting energy transition deals. The…

Transmission and Market Developments in the Western Interconnection

Join us for an invigorating two-hour Energizer Workshop hosted by the Energy Bar Association’s Rocky Mountain Chapter where industry experts converge to shed light on the evolving transmission and market landscape of the bulk power system in the Western Interconnection.…

Energy Law Academy Course 104: Cost-of-Service Ratemaking

In this virtual Energy Law Academy Course, students will learn the cost-of-service process from start to finish in detail. We will discuss the basics of the ratemaking concept. Our faculty will then address the components of a regulated service provider’s…

FELJ Author Talk: FERC, May I Now? Update on When FERC Authorization is Needed for Transfers of Public Utility Assets and Equity Interests in Public Utilities

Norton Rose Fulbright 799 9th Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

The Foundation of the Energy Law Journal (FELJ) invites you to an author talk, FERC, May I Now? Update on When FERC Authorization is Needed for Transfers of Public Utility Assets and Equity Interests in Public Utilities, on Tuesday, February…

Masters Council Brown Bag Lunch On Interviewing Skills

Paul Hastings LLP 2050 M St NW, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Please join EBA's Masters Council and Young Lawyers Council for this informative program on interviewing skills. This is a brown bag lunch event, but refreshments and dessert will be provided by our hosts: Paul Hastings LLP. Part 1: A panel…