Cornerstone Project 2020
In 2020, CFEBA donors helped the Yurok Tribe, the largest federally recognized Indian Tribe in California, build a micro-grid that will allow the Tribe to maintain critical services and operations during extended power outages and emergencies.
Our Impact
The availability of affordable energy is one of the world's critical issues impacting public health, safety and education. Statistics say there are approximately 1.3 billion people living in energy poverty around the world.
The Boards of Directors of the Energy Bar Association and the Foundation of the Energy Law Journal joined together in 2002 to form the Charitable Foundation of the Energy Bar Association (C-F-E-B-A), in order to create opportunities for EBA members and friends to support energy-related and other general charitable efforts.
CFEBA supports charitable projects that have an energy-related purpose and are focused on improving lives worldwide. Over the years, through the generous support of our members, the CFEBA has funded approximately 2 million dollars to provide energy access to those most in need.
Some examples of past grants include funding to support:
- Installation of solar photovoltaic system to provide electricity for a Native American Tribe as part of a planned microgrid.
- Installation of integrated hybrid solar power systems to power refrigeration units at the primary care clinic delivery sites located throughout Puerto Rico impacted by Hurricane Maria.
- Solar water pump installation and drip irrigation project in Uganda.
- Solar heating of low-income, Native American tribal families living on reservations in the Great Plains.
- Equipment, labor, and similar costs necessary to install and make operational heating system improvements for the indoor pool area and electrical outlets/switches repair in the rooms in a multicultural center in Houston affected by Hurricane Harvey
- Replace outdated and inefficient HVAC system at a community health clinic in Boston.